A book on “air pollution” matter. 著書PM2.5の科学(畠山史郎、野口恒, 2016)出版に貢献しました。

Wuled Lenggoro contributed on making the “first-connect” between two authors (Shiro Hatakeyama, a well-known professor of PM2.5 and Hisashi Noguchi, a Journalist). Published by Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun (2016).. 著者:畠山史郎(農工大教授)、野口恒(ジャーナリスト) 大気中に浮遊する粒子状物質(Particulate Matter)のうち、粒径が2.5 µm以下のものを指します。 Amazon website::: Nikkan Bookstore :::

Award: Charging state of particles collected from air 大気中から捕集した粒子の帯電状態を調べた(学会賞)

呼吸により人体に入る微粒子の帯電状態が注目された。大気中に浮遊する微粒子の帯電状態を評価できる手法を考案。The importance of electrostatic charging state to particle deposition in the human airways has been suggested. We developed a measurement method of electrostatic charging state of individual ambient aerosol particles

Aerosols deposit behind the sheet (Plant leaf model)?(植物葉モデル)薄板の裏側までエアロゾルが沈着する?

Simultaneous deposition of submicron aerosols onto both surfaces of a plate substrate by electrostatic forces We demonstrate one-step deposition of submicrometer-sized particles suspended in the gas-phase onto a plate type substrate using an electrostatic-assisted spray system. The particles were deposited on plate-type metallic surfaces, on both front and rear sides of the substrate. This “both-side”…

博士D. Thesis (2014) Immobilization of particles from gas phase onto surfaces 気相からの粒子の基板への固定化

Immobilization of submicron- and nano-particles from gas phase onto solid surfaces by external forces (外力を用いたサブミクロン粒子とナノ粒子の気相から固体基板への固定化)(Thesis is written in English) 2014/5/23 Friday, 15:00 ~ 16:30, BASE1階会議室 発表者: 玄 大雄 (GEN, Masao) ** ** After working with WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University as Assistant Professor, he joined City University of Hong Kong Keywords: Deposition/assembly of particles, Particle exposure system for…

What happens when we spray water-soluble “air pollution” particles to plants for 2 years? 水溶性 「大気汚染」 粒子を植物に2年間散布したらどうなるでしょう?

JOURNAL: Atmospheric Environment (2014) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.01.023 Effects of 2-years exposure to (sub-micron) ammonium sulfate particles on growth and gas exchange rates of Fagus crenata (ブナ), Castanopsis sieboldii (スダジイ), Larix kaempferi (唐松) and Cryptomeria japonica (スギ) seedlings •No significant effect of the particles on growth was observed after 2 years.•Net photosynthetic rates of 3 species were not significantly changed.•Net photosynthesis…

Our results in a popular book (about PM2.5)

Our result were introduced in a book on PM2.5 (Author: Shiro Hatakeyama (TUAT) 2014) 越境する大気汚染: 中国のPM2.5ショック 著者: 畠山史郎 ISBN: 978-4-569-81740-8 (842 Yen) ==>> Book/Chapters by Wuled Lenggoro