116 high-school students with parents visited our lab, 工学部説明会・オープンキャンパス

We were one of two labs of TUAT Chemical Engineering for Open-Campus (21 August 2015) 2015年度工学部説明会・オープンキャンパス【化学システム工学科】 8月21日(金)10時~13時、14時~17時 (1)学生生活紹介(学生代表2名)、(2)滝山研、レンゴロ研見学 Main host: Master students (Ishimoto: presenter and Takagi: Tour leader) Visitors: High-school students, parents, etc. 高校生(既卒者、高専生、保護者、高校の先生、塾・予備校の関係者、社会人の参加も歓迎) 5 minutes movie: Open-campus in 2014 Summer (Our lab was in this movie) Our open lab (until now) /open-lab/

JST sponsored: 7 days at TUAT/Tokyo: “SAKURA” Exchange Program in Science 採択

2015/7 approved by Japan Science and Technology Agency..“Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science” (SAKURA Exchange Program in Science)” AIMS: Raising the interest of Asian youths toward the leading Japanese science and technologies at Japanese universities. (Support from intellectuals) TOPIC: Functional Materials and Chemical Engineering Tour in Tokyo-Tama Area SCHEDULE (Tentative): 12 Nov. Arrival in Tokyo 13 Nov:…

A workstation for numerical simulation, 計算機

A simulation hardware: 計算機WorkstationRAM: 32 GB; HD = 1 TB;CPU : Intel ® Xeon® Processor X5690(3.46 GHz, 6 core) for Simulation software:, 数値シミュレーション(有限要素法、熱流体、など)FEM based multi-physics COMSOL From fluid flow/heat transfer to structural mechanics and electromagnetic analyses.http://www.comsol.com/ 64 bitOS: Windows® 7 Professional(64bit) Service Pack 1CPU : Intel ® Xeon® Processor X5690(3.46GHz/6 core)CPU(2nd): インテル® Xeon® プロセッサー X5690(3.46GHz/6コア)…

UV, visible, near-IR spectrophotometer, 顕微紫外可視近赤外分光

A new tool (Place: 3rd floor BASE building) MSV-370 type microscope attached to ultraviolet-visible-near infrared spectrophotometer. = http://www.jascoint.co.jp/asia/products/semiconductor/uv.html A microspectroscopy system providing transmittance or reflectance measurements of microscopic sample sites for a wide range of wavelengths (Continuous measurements between 250 and 2,000 nm). ** Conventional measurements require samples with dimensions comparable to an mm sized…

Group’s story in 2008

研究室の記録(2008年度) 2008年3月、開催されたセラミックス協会年会(新潟県長岡市)には、博士課程後期のナズリ・ナイムが研究室の学生として初めて学会発表を行いました。発表の前に、その関連の特許を出願しました。これも研究室は初の特許でした。同じ週に、日本エアロゾル学会若手会の幹事会および講演会があり、講演者は金沢大学の博士課程後期の山本氏でした。D. student Nazli Naim was the first student from our laboratory to present at a scientific meeting (the annual meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan held in Nagaoka, Niigata Prefecture). Before the presentation, we applied for a patent related to it. This was also the first patent for our laboratory. In the same…