A student presented: Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, in Manila. アジア太平洋化学工学連合(フィリピンで国際学会発表)

Anca Sembada, a doctoral student presented Silica nanopriming in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) seeds helps alleviate stress induced by polyethylene glycol  ポリエチレングリコールによって誘発されたストレスを軽減するためのトマト種子におけるシリカナノ粒子「プライミング」の効果 at APCChE (The Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering) Congress 2023 . Held in Manila, Philippines. Organized by the Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers (PIChE).

Nanoparticles make (tomato) seeds grow faster & stronger 種子を速く強く育てる微粒子システム

We found that adding silica nanoparticles to an aqueous growth medium in which tomato seeds were germinated shortened the mean germination time from 5.24 days to 4.64 days and improved seedling vigor. トマトの種を発芽させるための水を用いた成長培地に、シリカナノ粒子を加えると、平均発芽時間が5.24日から4.64日に短縮され、苗の活力が向上することがわかりました。

Lenggoro: One of university TUAT executive officers 大学の役職員

Among the executive officers of our university (2023), Prof. Lenggoro is the only one with a non-Japanese name. He has been serving as the Chair of the Tenure Track Promotion Organization at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology since 2023. 2023年より、レンゴロ教授東京農工大学・テニュアトラック推進機構・機構長を勤めています。